My poor kids.
William's birthday is April 13. He has yet to have his party. Caden got sick the morning of so we had to cancel. We had a small carnival type party planned where Caden was needed. And we didn't want to infect anyone else by having them at our house still. I tried to help him have a good day anyways so we went to the area pool followed by dinner at his favorite place Wendys. But there was a bit of a hiccup during both times, so not what I expected or hoped for on my little buddies special day.
Then the following day he got sick.
Then Kamryn got sick.
And they both kicked it easily but not my poor Caden. He is still on our couch today. Almost a week later! It hurts me so much to see my kids not doing well and knowing I can't do anything about it.
Bring on the sun. This has to end!