Saturday, July 16, 2011


7 years ago when we lost Blake and James we were given a peace lily in their memory along with a lot of other plants and flowers. Obviously most of them did not last but that peace lily is one of the things that I insisted on trying to keep.

Here we are all those years later. We were going to get rid of it to add a little space in our not so spacious living room. Then decided last minute that we weren't ready to part with it just yet. In all the years that we have had it since the boys it has NEVER had any other blooms.

Until around 2 weeks ago. Then it had one.


Or God letting us know that he is holding our precious baby.....


  1. I still have a peace lily that was sent to Lily's memorial service. That planet will never die as long as I'm alive. We've been blessed and that it has a couple of blooms each year. I love that plant!

    I'm big into signs from God and our babies. This bloom is no coincidence to me!

  2. I am so proud... not the right word.. grateful. I am so grateful you have the ability to see the remaining plant as a message of love and support. It speaks volumes about your relationship w Him. I will give a prayer of thanks for that when I pray for you and your whole family - those at home, those in bellies and those in heaven.

    It must have been a very hard last few weeks.
