Sunday, September 11, 2011

28 weeks

wow- I am so glad that I get to write that. Especially after this week.

I wrote that we had quite a scare over labor day weekend when baby girl decided to play hide and seek. Tuesday we confirmed she was quite good at the game and then the next day we had our fetal echocardiogram which showed her heart and her organs looking great!

Well then Thursday at work I was not feeling well at all. I had a lot of weird pain/cramping and contractions. TMI coming for some but..... when I went to the bathroom I had a LOT of blood. Talk about scare the crap out of me again! So I bolted out of work without telling anyone and called the Dr. immediately who told me to get home and lay down. So I did. When I got home I had a message from our specialist confirming he was happy with the fetal echo but was still not happy with baby girl's growth and to make sure we were scheduled for another ultrasound to check her growth again in a month.

Then Thurday night I received a call back from a nurse stating that she wanted me to get in touch with our specialist on Friday just to update them as to what was going on. So I left a message with a nurse there who had to call the Dr. who was in a different office. She called back a bit later and I was sent to Spectrum hospital to see what was going on. They still aren't 100% sure but as a precaution I was given a steroid shot and told to continue the bedrest and to get a second shot on Saturday. Luckily they gave me a note to get it done around home which was great.

So I go into the hospital on Saturday to get the second shot and they are required to monitor you for a while. Turns out I am having contractions every 10 minutes. That's super. I knew that I was having them but it is still a shock. So we are once again in limbo land not knowing what is going to happen. So bedrest continues and I go in to see our Dr. here tomorrow.

Whew.... Talk about a whirlwind of a week....


  1. Oh my goodness girl- you go from high to low very quickly! Praying that baby girl stays put and that the bleeding is nothing to be concerned about.

  2. Wow! What a journey you have been on! Continued prayers for you and your little girl!
