Thankfully before she broke my water she recommended that we get the epidural. So anestethia came in and warned me of all the risks and started asking all the routine questions. After hearing that I had issues with our last pregnancy and received a spinal headache from the epidural he decided that we would do it a little differently. So the place of insertion was a little higher than normal and he warned me that I may not feel the contractions but the potential was there to feel more during the actual delivery.
Then the doctor came back and broke my water. Thankfully at that point I was not feeling much but was feeling a bit. I was even able to get a little nap in. I woke up a while later to a TON of pain and pressure. The nurse came in and said baby girls heart rate was dropping during the contractions and I needed to be watched VERY closely. We thought there would be the possibility of a c-section at that point but she had me swtich positions and that made things much better. I didnt say anything right away but after a couple hours I just felt like something was wrong. Ryan was on the phone with my dad so I told him to hang it up right away and to go get the nurse cause I was feeling a ton of pain.
When she came back in it was around 3:20 and asked what was going on. I told her that I was having a lot of pain. Thankfully there was an anesthesiologist right outside so she had him come in and give me some more meds. Which did not help at all as I felt all of the delivery. The nurse then checked me and I was at a 7 and she said it could go really quickly at that point. I told her that I needed to push and didn't think I could wait too much longer. She left the room for a split second and had another nurse who called our doctor. He was supposed to have left at 3 for a hunting trip but stuck around longer to be able to deliver our babies. So incredible!!!
The nurse was scrambling around like a mad woman trying to get the room prepped for delivery. She changed the bed over and within a few minutes I had this strange sense that something happened. A few minutes later she came over and told me that we had delivered our angel baby. We were in complete shock. For the past however many weeks we were in and out of apointments and ultrasounds and were told the other baby was completely gone and that there would be nothing left. So to hear that we delivered him tore me apart. I immediately started bawling and couldn't stop. She gave me a big hug and told me that we would have our time but right now we needed to concentrate on baby girl making her appearance.
Our doctor walked in around 3:40 and the nurse told him he better get his gloves on cause we had delivered one baby and the other was on the way. He quickly got changed and at that point I was already pushing. He told the nurse to get the NICU doctor and team into the room immediately and at 3:52 our sweet baby Kamryn made her entrance into the world. With the umbilical cord around her neck. But Ryan said our doctor was amazing and had it off almost immediately. He handed her right over to the NICU team and I then heard a squeal. I still hadn't stopped crying from the news of having two babies to see. But when I heard the NICU doctor say that she was doing great and asking Ryan if he wanted to cut the other part of the cord they turned to tears of joy and gratefulness. After a few minutes she was placed on my chest. What a great feeling.
I have to say that this was very emotional for me to read. The shock of delivering your Angel baby hit me hard. That was so totally unexpected and I can only imagine how your shock felt. ((HUGS)) How awesome that that doctor stayed to deliver Kamryn. Can't believe the cord was around her neck! Thank God she is perfect.