Here are her stats....
Height - 26 inches
Weight - 13lbs 11oz.
Head circ. - 25%
So she is just squeaking into the 1st percentile. Since the end of April she has only gained 11 oz. :(
Thankfully though she is meeting all the milestones of a 9 month old. She just looks like a 4 month old still. We were told once again that it is something that we may need to be concerned about. If she does not start to catch up by the time she is 2 then we will have to see a specialist to make sure there isnt something wrong with her growth hormones or some other issue.
It could be nothing but he would rather get it checked and know then not do something and have it be an issue. And due to the complications that we faced during the pregnancy and that she was not growing well then already.... it raises a red flag.
We are not worried about it just yet. I just think we will never have to worry about her being on the bottom of a pyramid, or drastically increasing our grocery bill, or growing out of clothes too quickly. :)
And her smile and attitude is big enough to make her seem like a toddler already.

Happy 9 mo birthday little cutie! I'm sure she will start to grow and gain weight eventually. Addison is 13 1/2 months now and we took her for a walk the other night and a lady passing by guessed she was 4-5 months old. LOL We laughed and said no she's a year. She's just now wearing 9 mo size clothes.