Day 6 : What NOT to say. (note the massive amounts of sarcasm in the captions) If you are ever surrounded by someone who loses a child.... dont say any of these. If you don't know what to say.... nothing is way better than something that can come across rude or insensitive.
this is what we were told when we lost Jackson. Apprarently only losing one baby means that you shouldnt be sad. |
We would have never been able to love them if something was wrong. So it was a blessing that they were taken from us. |
(i can't figure out how to spin this one) I must have issues with being busy or working hard for my kids and that is why God took them away from me. Cause people said they didnt know how we would be able to handle it.
I fogot a different one too.... the ever impressive.... well you can always try for more. I dont even need to follow up further on that one.
My "favorite" is God has a plan...
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Wow, I can't believe people say those things. Loosing a child must be the most terrible pain anyone can ever experience and nothing can make it go away. I would think it is normal to grieve and celebrate the life you carried for eternity. Not to minimize your experience but the twin thing specifically pisses me off. My entire pregnancy with my boys, people kept telling me I was in trouble and twins would be too much work. Not one person (family and blog friends excluded) ever mentioned how lucky I was. I even met a girl that told me she had been pregnant with twins but one didn't make it, she said she cried more when she heard it was twins then she did when she found out she "lost" one. Um, yuck! This makes me mad at humanity.