Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Due Date
While I am sure that Jackson is having a great time where he is, I can only assume that Kamryn feels the same way. :)
She is doing so great! The boys are still in love with her. And she continues to heal us. It is not in a way that we will ever forget the journey it took to get her here or the loss that we encountered. But it is still in a way that we are grateful for.
Kamryn is a great baby. She is not fussy and is very content. She even sleeps really well so far. Only getting up once at night now that we don't have to wake her every three hours. If all our babies were like her I don't think I would ever stop having them. (if we could get prego on our own that is. HA!)
We are so blessed by Caden, William, and Kamryn - THANK YOU GOD!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sweet Angels....
My sister Lynn was so great and handled most of the details for us with the funeral home. And her and the funeral guy Steve pulled some strings and got permission for us to have Jackson buried in the same plot as Blake and James. Something that they apparently don't do normally. How sweet that we will be able to go to one stop and be able to spend time with all 3 of our babies.
Ryan and I spent quite a bit of time prepping the boys on what to expect and what the plan was. We pulled up to find the cemetary guy Bob and Steve already there waiting for us. When I pulled up behind Steve's white lincoln Caden asked me if the president was there to say goodbye to Jackson too. Talk about perfect timing. I was just about to lose it and he says that to put a big smile on my face.
We sat in the four chairs put out for us and just had some time to ourselves. Caden said a prayer for his brothers which was so sweet and then Ryan also prayed. Caden wanted to put the casket into the ground and Will put a blanket over top of it that my mom had made. I cannot believe the amount of love I have for them. Makes me realize I will never fathom how our Maker feels about us. And that no matter how far I feel from him, He will never let me go. The boys did so great and asked questions that were so insightful for kids their age.
I think my favorite one was from Caden..... "Did God ask you PLEASE when he took Jackson"?
Once we get the headstone out there I plan on taking pictures with our 3 earthly babes with our 3 heavenly ones.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Next Monday.....
Today I went and signed the papers and made plans for Jackson's burial. We will be laying him to rest on Monday. When I say "we" I mean Ryan and the boys and I. When we gave birth to Blake and James we invited our entire families. And were surrounded with so much love it was overwhelming. But this time we are just going to have it be us. After talking with Ryan he said he didn't think he would be able to handle having a bigger service type burial again. And I know that for some family members it would be hard to be present to see that tiny little coffin put into the ground right next to our other kids.
It is hard to know how to feel today. Right before I went to the cemetary I brought Kamryn into the doctor for her weekly checkup. And she is looking great! She is up to 5lbs 12oz. Up 9oz from last week. That is awesome. And she is doing so well.
I leave from a Kamryn high to a Jackson low....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Loving Life!!!
She is doing great and we are so blessed to have her here finally. Caden and William are adjusting so much better than we could have ever asked for. They absolutely love and adore her and Will especially is always wanting to hold her. Caden is more excited that I can wrestle again with him.
The anxiety and stress is gone! People keep asking me if I have post partum..... um - heck no! She is HERE! What could I possibly have to be depressed about. How can I look into that sweet angelic face and possibly be sad. Other than not having my precious Jackson there is nothing to get me down. But he is in a much better place and God blessed us with a peace by letting us meet him so I am trying to keep that in perspective.
Kamryn did end up in the severe level for jaundice but we were able to get a bili blanket to use at home. And she is now back into the safe zone as of yesterday. With all that happens in our house we are glad to say that she is an extremely happy and content baby. In fact she is only up once at night now that I don't have to wake her up every three hours. Plus I think the boys wear her out. :)
There is so much more that I will update when I get a chance but for now I will leave you with a picture that I took of her today. We think that she is the most precious thing EVER!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Birth Story..... Part 2
Then the doctor came back and broke my water. Thankfully at that point I was not feeling much but was feeling a bit. I was even able to get a little nap in. I woke up a while later to a TON of pain and pressure. The nurse came in and said baby girls heart rate was dropping during the contractions and I needed to be watched VERY closely. We thought there would be the possibility of a c-section at that point but she had me swtich positions and that made things much better. I didnt say anything right away but after a couple hours I just felt like something was wrong. Ryan was on the phone with my dad so I told him to hang it up right away and to go get the nurse cause I was feeling a ton of pain.
When she came back in it was around 3:20 and asked what was going on. I told her that I was having a lot of pain. Thankfully there was an anesthesiologist right outside so she had him come in and give me some more meds. Which did not help at all as I felt all of the delivery. The nurse then checked me and I was at a 7 and she said it could go really quickly at that point. I told her that I needed to push and didn't think I could wait too much longer. She left the room for a split second and had another nurse who called our doctor. He was supposed to have left at 3 for a hunting trip but stuck around longer to be able to deliver our babies. So incredible!!!
The nurse was scrambling around like a mad woman trying to get the room prepped for delivery. She changed the bed over and within a few minutes I had this strange sense that something happened. A few minutes later she came over and told me that we had delivered our angel baby. We were in complete shock. For the past however many weeks we were in and out of apointments and ultrasounds and were told the other baby was completely gone and that there would be nothing left. So to hear that we delivered him tore me apart. I immediately started bawling and couldn't stop. She gave me a big hug and told me that we would have our time but right now we needed to concentrate on baby girl making her appearance.
Our doctor walked in around 3:40 and the nurse told him he better get his gloves on cause we had delivered one baby and the other was on the way. He quickly got changed and at that point I was already pushing. He told the nurse to get the NICU doctor and team into the room immediately and at 3:52 our sweet baby Kamryn made her entrance into the world. With the umbilical cord around her neck. But Ryan said our doctor was amazing and had it off almost immediately. He handed her right over to the NICU team and I then heard a squeal. I still hadn't stopped crying from the news of having two babies to see. But when I heard the NICU doctor say that she was doing great and asking Ryan if he wanted to cut the other part of the cord they turned to tears of joy and gratefulness. After a few minutes she was placed on my chest. What a great feeling.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Birth Story.... Part 1
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Today is.....
Monday, November 7, 2011
And the date.....
Monday, October 24, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Not Forgotten
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
all smiles today
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
until tomorrow.....
Monday, October 17, 2011
late update...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A Good Day!
Monday, October 3, 2011

Just wanted to give another update from our appt this morning in grand rapids….
Things did not go as well as we would have liked. Big Shock hugh? Sorry for the negative attitude.
anyways..... We went in for our growth check and found that baby p. has dropped into the 5th percentile and is still measuring about 2 weeks behind. So the doctor is much more concerned. Our plan of action now is that I will go into the hospital 3 times a week for some Non-Stress Tests and also to check the umbilical cord and make sure that the blood flow is ok.
We were essentially told that we needed to go home and pack a bag and put/keep it in the car. Cause if the test shows any type of distress from here on out we will be sent right to grand rapids and they will take her out.
It was encouraging to hear that at this point we have a 95% chance of bringing baby home some time. Even if it isn't right away. But not knowing what will happen is a little disheartening. He also said that keeping her in too long would be tempting fate and that is when the possibility of her being stillborn or having lots of complications would come into play. I was also told that a c-section is a good possibility. Because he didn't know if she would be able to handle being born naturally. So still a lot of unknowns....
But we are trying to trust the One who gave her to us.
We still covet and appreciate all your prayers!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Happy Birthday!!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
First Tooth

Isn't the first picture classy? A face only a mother could love. And yet- I still find him adorable.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
28 weeks
I wrote that we had quite a scare over labor day weekend when baby girl decided to play hide and seek. Tuesday we confirmed she was quite good at the game and then the next day we had our fetal echocardiogram which showed her heart and her organs looking great!
Well then Thursday at work I was not feeling well at all. I had a lot of weird pain/cramping and contractions. TMI coming for some but..... when I went to the bathroom I had a LOT of blood. Talk about scare the crap out of me again! So I bolted out of work without telling anyone and called the Dr. immediately who told me to get home and lay down. So I did. When I got home I had a message from our specialist confirming he was happy with the fetal echo but was still not happy with baby girl's growth and to make sure we were scheduled for another ultrasound to check her growth again in a month.
Then Thurday night I received a call back from a nurse stating that she wanted me to get in touch with our specialist on Friday just to update them as to what was going on. So I left a message with a nurse there who had to call the Dr. who was in a different office. She called back a bit later and I was sent to Spectrum hospital to see what was going on. They still aren't 100% sure but as a precaution I was given a steroid shot and told to continue the bedrest and to get a second shot on Saturday. Luckily they gave me a note to get it done around home which was great.
So I go into the hospital on Saturday to get the second shot and they are required to monitor you for a while. Turns out I am having contractions every 10 minutes. That's super. I knew that I was having them but it is still a shock. So we are once again in limbo land not knowing what is going to happen. So bedrest continues and I go in to see our Dr. here tomorrow.
Whew.... Talk about a whirlwind of a week....
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
After our little scare yesterday I am glad to be able to say that we received good news today. The Dr. that did the echocardiogram said he was very happy with how things looked and he did not see any abnormalities or anything that he was concerned about. YAHOO! She was moving around like crazy so we got to watch her on screen for about an hour and a half. So awesome.
The ultrasound "unofficially" showed that she was around 2.2 pounds now but we aren't sure how that falls in line but feel positive that she is gaining weight. We were told that we didn't need to talk to our Dr. after thinking that we would be seeing both today. And the other Dr. didnt really know anything and wasn't able to answer any of my questions. So I am going to call in a message just to go over a few things with him.
So another appt. with our Dr. here in 2 weeks and then back out to the specialist in Grand Rapids again in 4 weeks for another ultrasound/checkup unless things fall backwards again. Hopefully not though. It was great to receive a positive report for once.
Thanks as always for all the prayers and thoughts.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
This morning started out by bringing BOTH of my boys to school. Caden actually started last week already but Will's very first day of pre-school was today. He woke up this morning just bawling because he did not want to go and was going to miss me. Thankfully he has a very protective older brother who "talked him off the edge" and convinced him to go. So off we went.
Surprise surprise when I got there. Caden got all settled and headed off to his class after giving Will a big hug and telling him it would be ok. Then Will and I bravely walked to his class only to find out that since we missed the orientation (we were gone that night) that he only had school from 10-11 with a parent to sit in. Not such a big deal except for what is coming up soon.... So off to home we went again and called Ryan's mom who watches the boys on Tuesdays to see if she could come earlier than I thought.
The reason this was a problem??? Well baby girl decided to hide the last 24 hours. I tried everything I could to get her to move and not a single thing worked. So Ryan and I were up all night debating about what to do. My intuition in these situations has never been wrong and we were both convinced that she was gone based off a few changes the last week or so. As you can imagine..... we did not get a lot of sleep last night. Ryan had to work out of town and had to go. I felt so bad for him. But I called the Dr. this morning to see what we should do. We had an emergency appointment scheduled at 10:30 to come in but were told to get there as soon as we could. I was at home with Will waiting/crying/praying my heart out when my Aunt Joan showed up. What a blessing it was to be able to just sit there and cry when I needed but also have someone to talk to. What I appreciated most was that the situation was not down-played and I wasn't told over and over again that it would be ok. Cause it might not be. And I needed to prepare for that.
Ryan's mom showed up and was so great. She brought Will to school and sat with him while my Aunt drove me to the Dr's office where my twin was also waiting. (she had brought my nephew in just before so was already there) Luckily the timing was perfect even though we were early so we got in right away. Dr. H walked in and asked a few questions and got right to it. As soon as I laid down and he put the doppler on we heard a heartbeat and hiccups and he said "well that was easy". And I started bawling. I was wrong for the first time. And have never been so glad to be! He finished up and helped me sit up and gave me a great big hug and just let me cry. I am so blessed to have such an understanding Dr. and family who is always willing to be there.
The rest of the day has been a bit of a blur. Lots of crying followed by a big headache. :) But more importantly.... a feeling of gratefulness. I have extended family who showed up out of nowhere. A mother in law who sat with all the "younger" moms with my son and a twin who stayed with me all day just knowing that was what I needed. A husband who rushed home as soon as he could even knowing that everything was ok by that time.
I don't know what baby girl was doing the last 24 hours+ but she sure as heck is going to be quite the contender when playing hide and seek with her brothers. I just hope that she doesn't want to play anytime soon until AFTER she is born. I don't know if I can take it again.
So now we just hope and pray that all is well with tomorrow's appointment with the specialist.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Latest Appointment
I don't really feel these appointments do much. Right now they are more a formality of checking my weight and listening to baby girls heartrate. Other than that, we don't get alot of information out of them. But I still love to hear her. I do have that bacteria back so that has caused some more concern. More so for me than anything else. But round 2 of antibiotics has started and will hopefully knock things out.
So next big appointment is on September 7. I am looking so forward to that one to make sure our little nugget is still growing big and strong and that all looks healthy. I love seeing her moving around on screen. Last time we got the thumbs up from her. I am hoping that was God's sign to us that all will be well.
I am so ready to meet her!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
So excited!!!!!!

He is such a sweet heart. And they were kind enough to let me come visit whenever I wanted. Which means I have had a lot of cuddle time already. That makes me even more excited for baby girl's arrival. And yet one arm will feel empty. But I'm going to be grateful for what He has still blessed us with. Again.... easier said than done. But I will try my best.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Still here....
We had our appointment last week and while I am still being optimistic I was disappointed to walk out of there. We were told that we were "not out of the woods yet". Our last appointment baby girl was measuring where she needed to be and was in the 97th% for height and weight. This appointment she was measuring over a week and a half behind and in the 26% for height and weight. Which can be normal but can also be a sign that things aren't going as well as they should be.
We go back to the specialist in Grand Rapids again on September 7 to have them do a fetal echocardiogram and to check her growth. We were pretty much told that at any time from there on out if they aren't happy with her progress then they will take her out. So we were left with a few unknowns.
I went back to work this week for about 4-5 hours a day. It was great. Kept my mind off things which was what I needed. But then towards the middle of the week I started to have a lot of contractions again and was not feeling well at all. Pretty sure the bacteria is back and not making things easy.
Not such a big deal except Ryan left Friday for Canada for a week. We went back and forth on whether or not he should go and decided that he should. I was planning on spending some time with him and having a few date nights this week but ended up home sleeping instead. I left work Friday around 1 and almost made him stay home cause I felt so terrible. But after laying down for a few hours and taking a nap I felt a little better and told him to go. He didn't even pack until 15 minutes before he was going to leave.
So now the countdown is on. 6 more days til Ryan comes home. Which is also when our next appointment is here with our doctor. Friday cannot come quick enough.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I am ready for some more reassurance and peace of mind
I need to see baby girl and know that she is growing
I have questions I need answered.
I would love for these next 16 weeks to fly by.
With no more worry.
Possible??? Probably not.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
through the storm
Little did this guy know that when we lost Blake and James we always thought of them when singing the song "Blessed Be Your Name" by ...... you guessed it Matt Redmon.
I have still been having contractions. Some painful so I know they are the real thing. And was told by the doctor that I needed to watch out for fever and also abdominal pain. Well the last week or so the abdominal pain has started. So that has me very worried. Thankfully no fever yet and baby girl is still a movin' and letting me know she is here. Still makes me anxious to get to the specialist on Thursday. But then listening to the lyrics of the song we sang Sunday...
Oh no you never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no you never let go
Every high and every low
Oh no you never let go
Lord you never let go of me.
I am very grateful for that. He wont let me go. Through a calm or storm.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I was putting the boys to bed since Ryan was at one of his "tournament" softball games. Meaning Recreation Mens Softball. And yet you would think it is the majors. :)
Well I started out with Will who did not have much of a nap today. He prayed a quick short one and said it was because he was super tired. Which of course made me smile.
Then I wandered into Caden's room. And I wish I had known in advance how that was going to go. I tucked him in and asked about Vacation Bible School and what was his favorite thing of the day. Had our usual before bed conversation and then told him it was time to pray. I heard the normal... bless the little kids in Haiti who have no food, thank you for my family, thank you for making me a "dude", help me to be good for mom and dad.... and then he reached out and touched my stomach and said "God Thank you for my baby sister in mom's tummy. And please keep playing with my babies in Heaven. Daddy say's you really love them". Then he said Amen.
I walked out of the room so proud of him and yet my heart aching. Not just because of our loss but because of a bigger loss. My faith in Him. HE is not to blame. HE said let the little children come to me. And my kids must be really special if he wanted another one already. That is what my focus needs to turn to. Him and His love for all of us. Even though I don't feel it right now. It is always there when I am ready for it.
Monday, August 1, 2011
And yet.... all I could feel was a bit of pity and being stared at. People who can't help but ask.... "how are you doing"? As if "good" could possibly be an answer. How do you say well pretty crappy. I lost one of my children. And that marks the count up to 3. I know they mean well but it just seems to me like one of those stupid questions.
With that being said.... I have gone through this before. I am going through it again. And I think I would have no clue what to say to others going through the situation. Other than sometimes life sucks and there is no explanation. YET.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Saga Continues...
Well I went in and found out that I have a bacteria. But not to worry. They see it in about 10% of pregnancies. I might as well google all the stuff that "isn't likely but could happen" and figure that I should expect it. She said that it could be due to the baby that passed away. So another daily reminder of what has happened. On a positive note though I was given an antibiotic that should take care of it and will hopefully be on the right road again soon. The negative is that it makes me sick! Ugh.... I think I found a new profession the past 5+ months = Professional Puker.
With all that being said.... I am trying to get a more positive outlook right now. Easier said than done. But last time I had both angels ripped from me. Today I am watching my belly jiggle around from a fiesty little girl who is reminding me she is still here. And how can you not smile for that?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
We were supposed to start a few weekends ago. But that was delayed due to the new circumstances. And has been a debate ever since. Do we we move on with the addition now that the need isnt as great or do we put it off for a while.
It is just one more reason that I love my husband. I woke up this morning to hear demolition had begun. It just shows me that no matter what we may "plan" most things are out of our control. But we also have to keep moving on now matter how hard it can be.
That isnt to say that moving on means forgetting. It just means the healing process has to be able to run it's course too. Am I saying that is starting??? For me -I don't think so. But I am so grateful for a husband who will allow me the time I need to grieve while also reminding me that we are able to celebrate too. Do I think that he has forgotten or is over it? Absolutely not. Each one of us has our own process that we work through.
I love my husband more than words can say. Some people let situations like these tear them apart but I am glad to see that we get closer with each trial we go through.
For those of you who have called or emailed or wanted to stop by.... I'm sorry I have not allowed that to happen. Know that I am so thankful for all your prayers and in time will be ready to talk.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Yeah Right! You just tell us that one of our babies have died and you want us to wait in a room full of people??? I think the nurse realized that was not going to fly with us so she said we could wait outside or in our car or something else. Just as long as we did not leave hospital grounds.
We decided to head outside and try to find a spot to sit that wouldn't be too hot yet it would be far enough away from everyone so that we could have some privacy. We found a big tree around the side of the hospital where we sat and cried and then called family to tell them what was going on. As we were sitting our attention was directed to some squirrels who were dropping walnuts from the tree. I jokingly asked Ryan if he was worried about being hit and if he thought we should move. A few seconds later he tells me that something just hit his back. I look to see that he has been pooped on by a bird.
Really??? As if the day isn't bad enough..... My poor husband gets targeted by a bird with a direct hit.
And that is kind of how things feel still. Like we have a big target on our back and it's just a matter of seconds until we are hit again.
I know that my posts lately are very negative and I am sorry for that. I also know I have no need to apologize what-so-ever. But I am.... I hope that the next one will be a little more upbeat and positive.
Monday, July 18, 2011
I'm not sure that is a good thing right now. I had picked up some baby clothes a while ago at some sales that Carter and Old Navy were having. Bought some girl stuff "just in case" that is what we were having. Bought doubles of some things. Now I look at the bags in my closet and while I am excited to be able to look at pink.... I am reminded of what should be.
My basement has 2 cribs and 2 cribsets. 2 bouncy seats....
My back porch area has 2 newer matching carseats with a double stroller.
I feel like some people think I have no reason to grieve right now. That I should have nothing but good thoughts because we still have our little girl to look forward to. Which I understand. I really do. But I don't think that they all understand what it is like. I should be looking forward to 2. Not just one.
I feel like I have been robbed and yet have still won the lottery.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Here we are all those years later. We were going to get rid of it to add a little space in our not so spacious living room. Then decided last minute that we weren't ready to part with it just yet. In all the years that we have had it since the boys it has NEVER had any other blooms.
Until around 2 weeks ago. Then it had one.
Or God letting us know that he is holding our precious baby.....

Friday, July 15, 2011
So Torn....
I cant sleep
I am angry
I am so sad
I am so grateful we still have a fighter
I am depressed
I now have so much anxiety over this pregnancy
and yet I am trying to trust HIM above all else.
It has to get easier....
Thursday, July 14, 2011
a light in the darkness???
The specialist was very happy with the way the baby looked and saw no concern about delivery in the near future. His concern is more the next few months. If she does not continue to grow the way she should then we will be induced early so they can intervene as necessary. but he is hoping that wont be an issue. We will meet with a different specialist in a month or so to do a fetal echocardiagram just to make sure that all looks well with her heart.
Otherwise we will have appointments every 2 weeks between our doctor here and the specialist in Grand Rapids. Which will be great to keep the anxiety level at a minimum. They will continue to monitor her and her growth and will see us immediately if anything changes.
As for what happened to our sweet babies..... there are no answers and that is one of the hardest things right now. It is something they see.... just not normally this far along in a pregnancy. We still do not know what our baby who is no longer with us is. And we may never know. And that hurts.
I will be able to go back to work much sooner that originally expected. I will most likely be home all next week and then can work my way back into things.
Definitely an answer to prayer.

Here she is.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Complete Devastation
We were supposed to go in for our ultrasound Friday but based off a few concerns that I had, we ended up going early. What they discovered was a complete shock. We have lost one of our precious babies. To think that only 10 days ago marked the anniversary of Blake and James death. Now we are trying to comprehend another loss. Until things get figured out I was told a minimum of 4 weeks bedrest.
It is such an unbelievable and bittersweet day. We are unable to tell what the gender is of the baby we lost. But we are still being blessed with a little baby girl that is trying to hang tough. To not know what our other baby is just does not seem right. How can we properly grieve and pray when we are left with so many questions.
I just do no understand God right now and what his plan is for us. Why is he taking another one of our kids from us? I know that it is because of sin that we go through trials and not God's choice. It just feels like HE is so far away right now.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
7 years
7 years ago today Ryan and I were in the Hospital waiting.... and waiting..... and waiting surrounded by all of our family. Until finally they made their appearance. Our two boys were born at 20 weeks 3 days due to Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Blake Hunter came first followed a few minutes later by James Bridger. And our lives have never been the same.
While there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them and wonder what they would be like, what they would look like, would they have big brown eyes like Caden, or have Will's sweet demeanor; I also can't help but be grateful that they have never had to endure pain or disappointment. And they are with the best Father that anyone could have.
I recently read the book Heaven Is For Real (THANK YOU Uncle Jack) and was given not only a good cry but a comfort and reassurance that only HE can give when it comes to my babies who were stripped away from me far too early.
We miss you tons and Love you with all our hearts!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Really??? Another break.
So I picked it up to hear.... Laura- I'm so sorry but your sons are going to have matching hands. Will got his finger slammed in the bathroom door and i'm sure his finger is broken. His finger nail is definitely not going to make it either. Come on!!! REALLY???
Well the good news through the whole thing is that for some reason I had packed extra gauze, wrap, cream, tape, just about everything she needed to take care of the finger. Definitely a God thing. So she got him all wrapped up and once he heard that they would go to the park he was good to go. :)
So we look like quite the family right now. Me with my PICC line, Caden with a broken index finger on his left hand and William now with a broken middle finger on his right hand. Hopefully like they say...... bad things come in three. We dont need anything else to happen right now.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
I was raised by a dad who wasn't always there. He was busy with work but still managed to give us the time to feel special. Growing up I did not want to be indoors but wanted to spend every minute outside with him. He taught me to hunt and fish and be a "tom boy". Athough as he and my mom like to say - "there is no book on correct parenting" I think that they did a pretty good job. Today I am very thankful for my Dad.
And my Father in Law. He is so great and has really made an impact in my life. He has raised an incredible son and has always been someone to look up to. Even though I didnt grow up with him I can see the love that he has for his family and how broken he gets when someone hurts. I am really blessed to have another great dad.
To wake up next to Ryan every morning..... What a Blessing!!! He is an incredible husband and father. The boys came racing into our room this morning (bright and early) and climbed up next to him and gave him the biggest hugs and said Happy Dad's Day. :)
And every Sunday he gets up with them and they do "Boy's Cinnamon Rolls". They sit downstairs in the kitchen and talk and bond while waiting for their breakfast. It is an awesome memory that he is building with the boys and I cant wait to add 2 more to the mix.
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there and all those longing to be a Father.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What a special day in our house. Our Caden was born. Although he wasn't our first born he was our first "take home" baby. I remember the day so clearly. We were at my sister Lynn's house celebrating Father's Day. I was sitting on their big chair with Ryan and all of a sudden had this "wet" feeling. I ran to the bathroom and saw blood and freaked out! He wasn't due for 18 days. I yelled for Ryan and we took off in a flash not telling anyone what was going on. We got to the hospital where we found out that my water had actually broke. So after a few false alarms previously we were going to have a baby. He finally was born around 8 the following night and we were super excited!!!
The best part was when Dr. H took him out and I spotted first that he was a boy. I whispered to Ryan that it was a boy and we both cried. Ryan was mad because he thought he would see first. :) Caden was taken away and brought in for some tests but everything was fine. They finally brought him back into the room around 11 and we called Ryan's parents. Then my parents. Then the rest of the families.
What and incredible day. I never thought I could love someone so much!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Could it really be???
I am so excited.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Ryan finally got home and showered so we took off. We made the drive and pulled into the yard. Caden was super excited and jumped out of the car. The only problem was when he tried to shut his door it wouldnt close all the way. Cause his finger was stuck in it. I watched it happen and it was one of those moments where your heart jumps up into your throat cause you know that you can't do anything! My brain finally kicked into gear and I opened the door. And he looked down and saw his finger and freaked out. That is when the screaming began.
We gave him a few minutes to calm down and started walking towards the house to get some ice. But the screaming and crying continued. Luckily my Aunt's sister is a nurse so we had her take a look at it. After examining it she told us she thought it was broken and that we better get it checked out. My poor boy. I felt terrible and immediately started crying. If only there was a way to take the pain and hurt away from your kids and put it on you. I would have traded places in a heartbeat.
But there isnt so we left William with my sister and off to the hospital we went. After spending about and hour and a half there it was confirmed that he did in fact break his finger. So the splint went on and will stay there for about 4 weeks til we get it checked again.
Thankfully it hasn't really affected him to much and he is still as crazy as ever. I really am shocked that it took him almost 6 years to break something. :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
2 heartbeats...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
tears of happiness...
Bed time soon rolls around and Caden tells me to relax and that he will put Will to bed. I watch the two of them go into the bathroom and I can hear Caden helping Will brush his teeth. Next thing I know they are both in Will's bed. And they are saying prayers together with no prompting from me. Talk about sweet music to my ears. Obviously I got teary eyed. Caden soon after tells Will it is time to sleep and he doesnt need to be scared but if he does then he can turn on his lamp to feel better.
I am sitting on the couch in awe when Caden comes to hug and kiss me good night. He notices the tears in my eyes and asks if I'm ok.....
Thank you God for my sweet hearted babes.... I am so blessed.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
12 Weeks
We go to see our Dr. this week for the first "official" time for this pregnancy. We go to church with him and have talked frequently. But will have our first appointment on Wednesday.
I still have to upload the pictures from our last ultrasound. Will try to get around to that soon.

Friday, May 13, 2011
We are so lucky to have such great family and friends surrounding us. Without them we would definitely be lost.
The one good thing about having to go in was that we got to see the little nuggets again. Pictures will be coming.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
And I am so glad to be able to have the opportunity to be one.
I am a mom to 2 angels in Heaven
2 crazy boys that I wouldn't trade for anything
and 2 more babies that are coming.
Thank you to all the Mom's I know for being such incredible examples.
Monday, May 2, 2011
We got to start out our morning by seeing our little nuggets wiggling all over the place. And due to how well they are doing we were released from our clinic to our OB. Yahoo!!!
But even more special is the fact that today is our anniversary. Today marks 8 years of marriage for us. It has been 8 years of up's and down's that could have broken us apart but instead brought us closer together.
I am so grateful for Ryan and everything that he is to our family.
Once I figure out how to upload pictures and videos I will get some from our appointment today.
I hope this works... (ignore the commentary. i was a teary mess and saying cool was the only thing that came out).
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The beginning
The beginning.
I married my best friend and love of my life Ryan in May of 2003. We knew that we didn't want to wait to long to start a family and started trying shortly after. It seemed like it took forever but in March of 2004 we found out that we were finally pregnant.
Our world was turned upside down the day we went in for our 5 month checkup. Our doctor could not detect a heartbeat. So we were sent in to the hospital for an emergency ultrasound. What we learned was shocking and devastating. We were pregnant with TWINS but they had gone to Heaven before us. We went through labor and delivery and gave birth to perfectly formed identical twin boys who had Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Blake Hunter and James Bridger were born on July 2, 2004 and our world was rocked.
Remembering that God has a plan for everything we were later blessed with sons Caden Carl on June 13, 2005 and William Lee on April 13, 2007. Knowing that we wanted more kids we started trying for a 5th beginning of 2009. After a year of nothing we were referred to a fertility specialist where we found issues on both myself and Ryan and were told that we would not be able to have any more kids naturally.
So on to alternative methods we went. Trying Clomid and IUI's for months upon months did nothing so we moved on to IVF. Our first cycle in November resulted in a negative. With one more shot we used our remaining 3 embryo's for a FET. 2 of the 3 embryo's made it through the thawing process and on March 16th (my birthday) I received the best present ever. We were able to transfer 2 potential babies.
Well that is what we got and that is where we are right now. Pregnant once again with TWINS and scared out of our minds. And yet feeling blessed beyond belief knowing that we are not walking this journey alone. God is Good all the time.