Monday, October 17, 2011

late update...

Oops... I guess I was so worried about remembering the Pregnancy and Infant Loss day that I forgot to update from my testing on Saturday.
I went by myself and was told that from now on that would be a big no-no. While baby girl is looking great they are not real impressed with my amniotic fluid levels still. I was told that the danger zone was anything less than 8 and I had dropped from a 9 to a 7.9. So they are more concerned. I was supposed to have a week off of doctors visits but got stuck on bedrest having to drink gallons upon gallons of water until Tuesday when my doctor will be in. So moving forward I cannot go by myself because it could be "anytime" and I'm not allowed to walk in or out of the hospital due to the contractions increasing.
While all of this is highly concerning I almost feel like the boy who cried wolf. I keep being told anytime.... anytime.... anytime. And then I make it another week with another issue that comes up.
I just hope that baby girl is ok. That is all that matters.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping you in my prayers and praying that your fluids increase and you can continue to get more weeks with her inside.
