Sunday, June 12, 2011


June 13, 2005

What a special day in our house. Our Caden was born. Although he wasn't our first born he was our first "take home" baby. I remember the day so clearly. We were at my sister Lynn's house celebrating Father's Day. I was sitting on their big chair with Ryan and all of a sudden had this "wet" feeling. I ran to the bathroom and saw blood and freaked out! He wasn't due for 18 days. I yelled for Ryan and we took off in a flash not telling anyone what was going on. We got to the hospital where we found out that my water had actually broke. So after a few false alarms previously we were going to have a baby. He finally was born around 8 the following night and we were super excited!!!

The best part was when Dr. H took him out and I spotted first that he was a boy. I whispered to Ryan that it was a boy and we both cried. Ryan was mad because he thought he would see first. :) Caden was taken away and brought in for some tests but everything was fine. They finally brought him back into the room around 11 and we called Ryan's parents. Then my parents. Then the rest of the families.

What and incredible day. I never thought I could love someone so much!

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