Thursday, July 14, 2011

a light in the darkness???

Today we had our appointment with the specialist in Grand Rapids. It went as well as could be expected all things considered.

The specialist was very happy with the way the baby looked and saw no concern about delivery in the near future. His concern is more the next few months. If she does not continue to grow the way she should then we will be induced early so they can intervene as necessary. but he is hoping that wont be an issue. We will meet with a different specialist in a month or so to do a fetal echocardiagram just to make sure that all looks well with her heart.

Otherwise we will have appointments every 2 weeks between our doctor here and the specialist in Grand Rapids. Which will be great to keep the anxiety level at a minimum. They will continue to monitor her and her growth and will see us immediately if anything changes.

As for what happened to our sweet babies..... there are no answers and that is one of the hardest things right now. It is something they see.... just not normally this far along in a pregnancy. We still do not know what our baby who is no longer with us is. And we may never know. And that hurts.

I will be able to go back to work much sooner that originally expected. I will most likely be home all next week and then can work my way back into things.

Definitely an answer to prayer.

Here she is.

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